donderdag 11 januari 2018

What do we think?
Boarding schools

Some people claim that there were positive aspects to the boarding school system. What do you think?

There are different ways to think of it, for the Indians it was terrible, they were youngsters when they were put in a boarding school and were taught being Indian was no good, they had to change and lose their inner Indian.
But... they were all schooled and were taught English and other subjects. For Indians on reservations jobs were hard to get, since the teachers never really cared. Now they were schooled in a good way and had a better chance to get in the job world. (still in a horrible way, being aparted from your family and tribe at such a young age must be terrible, many tried to escape but didn't succeed and were punished often for no reason!, being beaten, handcuffed to the beds when sleeping, living in constant hunger and being aparted from their family never having the chance to speak to them)

Kind regards,
Carlijn and Esther   

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