woensdag 31 januari 2018

Assignment 13

1. Who is Numanah?
Numanah is the grandfather of the Indian who wrote this poem.
2. What is the significance of the title?
the title refers to the circle, first he wants to run away from the reservation, after that he wants to run away back to the reservation and in the end he says that he, again, wants to run away, now away from the reservation. it is a circle of going and staying.
3. What does the opening line remind you of in regard to religion?
The Indians have a rich culture in which they obey their grandparents, the wise people.
In here he begs his grandfather to sent him grace, for a new start and to give him hope again.   
4. Look at the list of themes in assignment 12, once again, and decide which of these relate to the poem and why. Give examples from the poem to explain your answers.
hopes and dreams
in the beginning of his poem he prays to his grandfather to send him grace, a new start in which he will not have to live on a stained mattress and will have hope, since he can not find it in the reservation. when he runs away he finds out that there are worse things and runs back again. in the reservation he again remembers that there is so little hope and wants to run away again.
5. What "shame" does the poet refer to? 
 that when he runs away he want to run back again, he feels a little ashamed for that especially when he is back that he again wants to run away.
6. How does the idea of living in-between cultures relate to the themes mentioned in assignment 12 and use examples from the poem to explain your answer.
the boy feels as if he is trapped between two cultures and gets confused when he runs away from one and wants to go back again.
it relates to the themes since this is a feeling felt by many Indians. 

kind regards,
Carlijn and Esther

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