woensdag 22 november 2017

Hello, this is assignment 2.

Hitler was looking for someone to mock at since Germany was in a bad economic state after the first world war. He chose to blame the Jews since one Jew doctor treated his ill mother poorly, this is one reason since no one really knows why he suddenly was highly against the Jews.
He believed that the Aryan people and Germany were destined to rule the world. He also believed that no non-Germans should have any say in Germany and that Jews couldn't be Germans.
He got inspired by some important antisemitic people like a major, Karl Lueger and Georg von Schönerer, a leader of a antisemetic group.
He wanted to clear Germany of all the Jews. but not only the jews, actually all the people who were different, such as twins, gays, disabled people and such. They were different and therefor he wanted to examine them in his concentration camps.

Genocide according to us is murdering a group of people, especially from a specific group . We think this is bad, since for example in the second world war the Jews did no harm but were brutally murdered by the Germans, mainly the Nazi's.  

kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

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