donderdag 9 november 2017

Assignment 1 
in which we'll search what ISIS is, what they're doing, why and how they want to achieve this.
ISIS is short for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Syria, so basically the Islamitic State.
It’s a state which a lot of countries and the United Nations refer to as a terroristic organization. This because a lot of people blame and say that they’re the reason behind the many assassinations, such as the London bombarding, in which they try spread their and only their religion.
They have an extremist interpretation of Islam, where they state that there is no God but Allah. And they want to become a caliphate, which is an Islamic state led by a group of religious authorities under one leader.
they want to achieve this by putting high pressure behind people and with their excecutions and aassissinations.
Kind regards,
Carlijn and Esther

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