donderdag 7 december 2017

what do we think?

In what way would the lives of Native Americans be different today if there had not been any treaties?

we think, thinking positive, that maybe the Native Americans and the pilgrims could have lived peacefully together, sharing their cultures etc. but that would not be realistic. The pilgrims disliked the Indians because they seemed alien to them with strange habbits and lived on the lands they thought they deserved. that's why the pilgrims wanted to civilise them and teach them their habbits, languages and get them to be catholics as well, their goal was to get the Indian out of them.
with the treaties the Indians had to move to the west, past the Mississippi river to get to their own indian lands. We think that if the treaties would not have been there, that the pilgrims would have still killed the Indians in a way maybe more horrible than this one.

kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

woensdag 6 december 2017

assignment 8

the indian removal act is a law accepted in 1830 in which the federal government gave permission to force the Native Americans to move west to the land behind the Mississippi river. some of the Indians simply accepted it and signed the treaties, others fought back.

in the picture beneath you see that different groups of indians moved to the west to the indian territory west from the Mississippi river after the treaties.Afbeeldingsresultaat voor indian removal map

for the Native Indians the treaties were not good, they had lived on their grounds since forever, had settled down and now they had to move to the west, not voluntairy. eventhough the act also stated that the removal had to elapse peacefully and voluntarily. the new Americans still used a lot of violence.
for the new Americans the treaties were good, otherwise they wouldnt have made the law.. they would get loads of ground and could live here.

during the trail to the west many Indians died, they didn't have any food with them, had no supplies and got no help from the government. so many of them died. To show in numbers how many died during this trail, there were 3500 of the 15000 creeks who did not survive it. not only because the lack of food and supplies but also because of the new deceases the Pilgrims brought along.

 kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

woensdag 29 november 2017

assignment 7

A - 9 + 5 + 10

B - 3 + 14

C - 6 + 4

D - 12 + 2

E - 7 + 11 + 13

we think that 8 and 1 does nog fit in any of these discriptions above, but belong in F, that they were chased out of their own land or grounds.

kind regards

Esther and Carlijn
what do we know
old news

We think the Holocaust was a terrible thing that happened.
murdering someone because of their religion or way of thinking is not human like. The fate of Native Americans can be compared with the Holocaust in Germany during WWII because in both people are killed in a bad way for doing nothing wrong.

kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

Assignment 6, the canary effect
this documentary is called the canary effect since in the old times when they worked in mines, they used canary's in order to find out if there were poisoned gasses. when there were those, the canaries would stop singing and they would know that they had to get out of there.
in this documentary they look at the effects that the Pilgrims had on the Indians who had lived there since they could remember.

so it is a bit ridiculous to say that Columbus discovered America, when there were already people living there. in a country that already had been discovered by them selves, not by Columbus.

we have learnt a lot of this documentary. not only the stereotypes of the indians, for example we didn't have an idea that they were drunk so often. but also that they still feel oppressed by the Americans eventhough it is so long ago that the Pilgrims came and hunted them down, they apparantly still do that which causes a lot of pain by the Indians.
and that's why they have a hard time finding jobs or that that's the reason that the suicide ratings are so high and that they have a lower chance of living when they were actually not so different.
we feel sorry for the native Americans because they haven't done anything wrong in our eyes and were treated very poorly.

kind regards,
Carlijn en Esther

woensdag 22 november 2017

hello, this is assignment 3, in which we made a mind map of native Americans, Indians. with mainly all the stereotypes of them.
Kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

Hello, this is assignment 2.

Hitler was looking for someone to mock at since Germany was in a bad economic state after the first world war. He chose to blame the Jews since one Jew doctor treated his ill mother poorly, this is one reason since no one really knows why he suddenly was highly against the Jews.
He believed that the Aryan people and Germany were destined to rule the world. He also believed that no non-Germans should have any say in Germany and that Jews couldn't be Germans.
He got inspired by some important antisemitic people like a major, Karl Lueger and Georg von Schönerer, a leader of a antisemetic group.
He wanted to clear Germany of all the Jews. but not only the jews, actually all the people who were different, such as twins, gays, disabled people and such. They were different and therefor he wanted to examine them in his concentration camps.

Genocide according to us is murdering a group of people, especially from a specific group . We think this is bad, since for example in the second world war the Jews did no harm but were brutally murdered by the Germans, mainly the Nazi's.  

kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

woensdag 15 november 2017


in here we share our voice thread of the discussion about pictures of the holocaust

Kind regards,
Esther and Carlijn

in here we share our link to the voice thread, where we'll discuss three pictures.

Kind regards,
Carlijn en Esther

donderdag 9 november 2017

Assignment 1 
in which we'll search what ISIS is, what they're doing, why and how they want to achieve this.
ISIS is short for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and Syria, so basically the Islamitic State.
It’s a state which a lot of countries and the United Nations refer to as a terroristic organization. This because a lot of people blame and say that they’re the reason behind the many assassinations, such as the London bombarding, in which they try spread their and only their religion.
They have an extremist interpretation of Islam, where they state that there is no God but Allah. And they want to become a caliphate, which is an Islamic state led by a group of religious authorities under one leader.
they want to achieve this by putting high pressure behind people and with their excecutions and aassissinations.
Kind regards,
Carlijn and Esther

woensdag 8 november 2017


this is the blog for our English lessons, in which we'll be looking at things happening around us and why they're happening.

Kind regards,
Carlijn en Esther