donderdag 1 februari 2018

Assignment 14

1. Having worked through all the assignments on the webquest, do you think that what happened to the Native Americans could be considered an act of genocide? Why? Motivate your answer.

Yes this indeed could be considered as an act of genocide because many indians died on the reservations. there are a few features of genocide such as: killing members of the group, which they did.., causing harm either physical or mentally, they caused as well, forcibly transferring children to boarding schools and seperate kids from their families to kill the Indian to save the child.
other things were to prevent births within the group and there was a time that the pilgrims hunted them down and killed them and would get paid for every head.
so yes.. this could be considered as an act of genocide.
2. How can we prevent such acts of genocide from happening again?

We can prevent such acts from ever happening again by rules and laws in which is clear that killing or discriminating others based on culture or skin colour is wrong and could be punished hard. because it is bad what we have done and this should never happen again.
3. Can you explain the title of this webquest?

back to the future means that we have to look to the past, see what happened then and now have awareness of what we have done so that this will not happen again.
4. How can we create awareness of the situation of the Native Americans in the past and the present?
we think that museums are very important, so museums about native Americans should be opened more, also here in the Netherlands and maybe by making the entrance free people would come and visit, in here they can find out what has happened and how bad it all was.
or maybe we could use the media to create awareness, by a tv show or a weekly column in the papers in which they provide information and in which people can react, people from Indian families and non Indians.
5. How can we link this to the present IS situation?

The IS is now killing people just like the pilgrims did, to create a land for themselves regardless of the people living there.

kind regards,
Carlijn and Esther